Voting and Engagement

Our conviction

As a sustainable investor, we vote and engage to help foster sustainable and inclusive growth so that our clients, stakeholders and society as a whole can thrive.


Engaging is central to our approach and we act in accordance with two key principles:


Kwaliteitscontroles om controverses op te sporen en met bedrijven in dialoog te treden om mogelijke tekortkomingen zo nodig te verbeteren

  • beoordelen van bedrijven die zijn blootgesteld aan controverses

  • beslissen om in dialoog te treden en/of de positie te verkopen

  • “Best practices” delen met het oog op een duurzame, inclusieve groei


Vaststellen welke belangrijke onderwerpen proactief moeten worden aangepakt om waarden en overtuigingen binnen de drie ESG-dimensies te verdedigen:

  • Milieu, met inbegrip van klimaatverandering

  • Sociaal, in het bijzonder mensenrechten

  • Governance, met inbegrip van deugdelijk bestuur

Engagement priorities

Here are our environmental, social and governance engagement priorities:


  • Net zero – alignment with Paris Agreement

  • Focus on scope 3 emissions reduction


  • Digital rights

  • Due diligence on social rights in supply chains

  • Conflict affected and high risk areas

  • Unionisation and union busting


  • ESG board oversight

  • Integration of ESG risks in the enterprise’s risk management

  • Board composition

  • Tax equity and avoidance

Engagement priorities

Here are our environmental, social and governance engagement priorities:


  • Net zero – alignment with Paris Agreement

  • Focus on scope 3 emissions reduction


  • Digital rights

  • Due diligence on social rights in supply chains

  • Conflict affected and high risk areas

  • Unionisation and union busting


  • ESG board oversight

  • Integration of ESG risks in the enterprise’s risk management

  • Board composition

  • Tax equity and avoidance

Collaborative and individual

We are members of a variety of organisations that facilitate collaborative engagement. Please see our collaborations page for more information. We also pursue engagements ourselves and have a clear engagement escalation process.

Companies and countries

We engage with companies to reduce the negative effects of their operations. By setting environmental, social, and corporate governance expectations we seek to guide their policies in a positive direction. Moreover, our proactive approach helps companies to avoid potential controversies.

We favour funding countries that are managed sustainably and engage with countries to improve our knowledge and to help them develop sustainably. Twice a year, we publish country sustainability rankings, which serve as a basis for dialogue with countries.

We engage through open, critical dialogue with the aim of encouraging tangible progress towards sustainability.


Our voting policy and activity is based on four key principles, set out below:

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De bescherming van aandeelhouders

Langetermijnbelangen van aandeelhouders

Gelijke behandeling

Rechten van minderheidsaandeelhouders

Samenwerking tussen aandeelhouders

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Deugdelijk bestuur

Efficiënt en onafhankelijk management met als centrale pijlers:

De rol en samenstelling van de Raad van Bestuur

Comités en adviesraden

Het vermijden van belangenconflicten

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Transparantie en integriteit van informatie

Betrouwbare, duidelijke, uitvoerige en tijdige:

Financiële overzichten

Beleidslijnen voor bezoldiging

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Verantwoordelijkheid op sociaal en ecologisch vlak en inzake goed bestuur

Als verantwoordelijke aandeelhouder laten we onze stem horen om ons wereldwijde ESG-engagement kracht bij te zetten. Concreet zetten we ons in voor:

de 6 beginselen van de UN PRI

aanbevelingen van de TCFD

'Netto nul' tegen 2050 of eerder

aanbevelingen van de OESO over sociale en milieuverantwoordelijkheid

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We proactively use our shareholder responsibility to contribute to our sustainable goals. We vote to reinforce our engagement priorities and in accordance with our fundamental ESG analysis.

We systematically engage in dialogue with companies regarding our voting activity in the following areas:


Remuneration – the policy and report should be aligned with long-term sustainability


Separation of CEO/Chairman roles


Independence of the board of directors

Protection for shareholders

Respect for the 'one share, one vote, one dividend' principle and protection against anti-takeover mechanisms


Say on Climate and climate change policy

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We proactively use our shareholder responsibility to contribute to our sustainable goals. We vote to reinforce our engagement priorities and in accordance with our fundamental ESG analysis.

We systematically engage in dialogue with companies regarding our voting activity in the following areas:


Remuneration – the policy and report should be aligned with long-term sustainability


Separation of CEO/Chairman roles


Independence of the board of directors

Protection for shareholders

Respect for the 'one share, one vote, one dividend' principle and protection against anti-takeover mechanisms


Say on Climate and climate change policy

Voting policies and reports

For more information please see our Voting Activity Report and click below to access the voting results for all voted companies, including our voting decisions on each agenda item:

Rapport stemactiviteit 2023
Voting Policy

Want to know more about sustainability at DPAM?

Check out DPAM's approach to sustainability including our policies, reports, collaborations and much more.