A focus on government bonds
Commitment. Excellence.
Despite aggressive monetary tightening in 2023, Western economies showed surprising resilience last year, challenging expectations of a quick economic downturn.
However, today, the narrative has shifted: Europe faces clear signs of a recession, while the US has started to show the initial fractures, hinting at a potential growth slowdown.
Until central banks confirm the next phase in the monetary policy cycle, investors should prepare for continued volatility across financial markets. Even so, the current environment offers valuable opportunities to strategically position for the predicted trends in interest rates.
Marketing Communication
Discover our European government bonds offering
The Bond Market Blueprint
Our Fixed Income CIO, Sam Vereecke, and our government bond experts Lowie Debou and André Figueira de Sousa to take a closer look at upcoming developments, and uncover opportunities across curve steepeners and selective bond markets.
Gaining ground with DPAM B Bonds EUR
Our Fixed Income CIO, Sam Vereecke, sits down with our government bond expert, Lowie Debou, to explore which key factors can help shape the future of government bond investments in Europe.
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We houden portefeuilles zorgvuldig in de gaten om de risico's die de waarde van uw belegging zouden kunnen beïnvloeden, nog beter te beperken. Niettemin gaan beleggingen in vastrentende portefeuilles met inherente risico's gepaard. Er is geen kapitaalbescherming of -garantie, en de kans bestaat dus dat u uw kapitaal volledig of gedeeltelijk verliest. Hieronder zetten we de risico’s die een hoge tot gemiddelde impact op uw beleggingen kunnen hebben nog even op een rij.
ESG-uitdagingen houden zowel risico's als kansen in. Onze deskundigen voeren grondige analyses uit om de voordelen en de risico's tegen elkaar af te wegen en gefundeerde beleggingsbeslissingen te kunnen nemen.
DPAM B Bonds EUR - Summary Risk Indicator (SRI)
Degroof Petercam Asset Management SA/NV (DPAM) l rue Guimard 18, 1040 Brussels, Belgium l RPM/RPR Brussels l TVA BE 0886 223 276 l
For professional investors only.
This is marketing communication. Please refer to the prospectus and the KID of the fund before making any final investment decisions. These documents can be obtained free of charge at DPAM or on the website www.dpamfunds.com. Investors can find a summary of their investor rights (in English) on https://www.dpamfunds.com/sites/degroofpetercam/regulatory-disclosures.html. The management company may decide to terminate the arrangements made for the marketing of this collective investment undertaking in accordance with Article 93a of Directive 2009/65/EC and Article 32a of Directive 2011/61/EU.
The objective of the DPAM B Bonds EUR (ISIN: BE0948508420). The objective of the sub-fund is to offer you exposure to debt securities denominated in euro. It is an actively managed sub-fund, which means that the portfolio manager does not aim to replicate the performance of a benchmark. The sub-fund does not aim for sustainable investment but promotes environmental and social aspects within the meaning of Article 8 of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector. It does not have a sustainable investment objective. The sub-fund mainly invests (without any sectorial restrictions) in bonds and/or other debt securities, fixed or floating, denominated in euro and issued or guaranteed by EU Member States. The sub-fund will not invest more than 10% of its net assets in units of other undertakings for collective investment. The sub-fund applies (a) restrictions on countries that do not meet minimum democratic requirements and (b) a systematic policy of impact bonds such as green and social bonds. More information on the product can be found on the website www.dpamfunds.com. The sub-fund may, on an optional basis, use derivatives such as futures and/or forwards in order to achieve the investment objectives and/or for hedging purposes (hedging of or exposure to the risks associated with certain markets). Its benchmark is the JPM EMU Government Bond Return, which is used to compare performance. The selection and weighting of the assets in the sub-fund's portfolio may differ significantly from the composition of the benchmark.
More information on the sustainability characteristics of both sub-funds can be found in our quarterly sustainability report or the fund’s prospectus.
The decision to invest in the promoted fund should take into account all the characteristics or objectives of the promoted fund as described in its prospectus or in the information which is to be disclosed to investors in accordance with Article 23 of Directive 2011/61/EU, Article 13 of Regulation (EU) No 345/2013, Article 14 of Regulation (EU) No 346/2013 where applicable.
All rights remain with DPAM, who is the author of the present document. Unauthorized storage, use or distribution is prohibited. Although this document and its content were prepared with due care and are based on sources and/or third party data providers which DPAM deems reliable, they are provided without any warranty of any kind and without guarantee of correctness, completeness, reliability, timeliness, availability, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. All opinions and estimates are a reflection of the situation at issuance and may change without notice. Changed market circumstance may invalidate statements in this document.
The provided information herein must be considered as having a general nature and does not, under any circumstances, intend to be tailored to your personal situation. Its content does not represent investment advice, nor does it constitute an offer, solicitation, recommendation or invitation to buy, sell, subscribe to or execute any other transaction with financial instruments. This document is not aimed to investors from a jurisdiction where such an offer, solicitation, recommendation or invitation would be illegal. Neither does this document constitute independent or objective investment research or financial analysis or other form of general recommendation on transaction in financial instruments as referred to under Article 2, 2°, 5 of the law of 25 October 2016 relating to the access to the provision of investment services and the status and supervision of portfolio management companies and investment advisors.