DPAM obtains highest PRI rating A+ for fourth consecutive year
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From its initial role as a pioneer, DPAM has now fully matured into a sustainable explorer: consistently pushing the boundaries of ESG reporting and implementation.
Key takeaways
The PRI were created in 2006 by investors for investors, and advocate a sustainable global financial system with a long-term focus. DPAM has been proud signatory of the PRI since 2011, two years before yearly reporting became compulsory. As of 2020, the UN PRI have assembled close to 3000 investors with a common, sustainable goal.
The UN PRI score reflects to what degree an investor has incorporated the six principles in their investment processes. Each year, signatories must submit a transparency update on their processes and asses their strategy, human resources approach, engagement, voting, etc. These assements are then graded by the PRI in a formal report.
In order to maintain the highest ESG standards, DPAM makes sure to continuously monitor its models, governance and objectives. It then raises its ambitions accordingly. These efforts have clearly paid off, as DPAM received the maximum number of stars across several areas of expertise, and, for the fourth consecutive year, obtained an A+ score, the highest rating.
Under the guidance of the company’s CEO Hugo Lasat, DPAM has managed to duly implement and consistently reap the benefits of ESG for over 18 years: “At DPAM, we strive to make a meaningful difference by putting sustainability at the forefront of our global agenda. Our company puts great emphasis on the future, and looks at its role as an asset manager from a broader perspective. As a result, our investments and activities go beyond financial performance. Going forward, we will continue to promote our commitment to sustainability to provide an optimal service to our clients, while creating a long-lasting and meaningful societal impact”.
DPAM not only consults external ESG providers to build its portfolios in accordance to ESG criteria, but also relies on its own, in-house research team, headed by its Responsible Investment Strategist Ophélie Mortier:
From its initial role as a pioneer, DPAM has matured into a fully fledged sustainable explorer: consistently at the forefront of ESG reporting and implementation. We are proud of the company’s achievements, but cannot afford to be complacent.
DPAM continues to engage with companies and stakeholders, and actively exercises its voting rights to ensure full compliance with its strict sustainability standards. This commitment is further exemplified by DPAM’s support for the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations, the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), the Farm Animal Investment Risk and Return initiative (FAIRR) and the Investor Alliance on Human Rights. Additionally, in the past year, the company has also significantly increased its roster of sustainable funds, and introduced -among others- sustainable listed real estate, sustainable small caps, and sustainable US dividend strategies. Today, these sustainable strategies make up EUR 9.6 billion, representing over a quarter of DPAM’s total assets under management.