23 juli 2024

Feeding billions without cropping our climate ambitions

8 000 000 000. On November 15, 2022, according to the United Nations, the world population reached eight billion people. Although the growth rate is slowing, the UN projects that by 2050 there will be 9.7 billion on the planet.

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17 juli 2024

A glimpse into the world of AI

Is AI a bubble? As we approach the second half of 2024, this has become the trillion-dollar question on everyone’s lips. Where are we in this AI-driven tech cycle? In this article we will discuss how AI will fundamentally reshape our work and life and establish whether Generative AI has the legs to turn into a multi-decade technological revolution.

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30 juni 2024

A multi-thematic approach to equity impact

DPAM has an extensive track record when it comes to sustainability-focused investments. Now, taking a natural step forward in this commitment to sustainability, we are proud to announce the launch of our latest ventures, the equity and fixed income impact funds: ‘DPAM L Equities World Impact’ and ‘DPAM L Bonds EUR Impact Corporate 2028’ respectively. These new offerings go beyond conventional SFDR Article 9 products and underscore our deepening commitment to responsible investing.

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